Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 97

Day 97,

And I feel amazing and utterly grateful for where this journey has brought me.

Prior to the challenge i was in the mids of a minor -and very early- midlife crisis. Searching for meaning in my life and questioning the many paths I've taken so far.

Now, nearly towards the end, reaching my 101 day Thursday, I feel renewed. I have found what I was looking for.

In Bikram yoga you have to push to get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable. It seems that when you do this consistently you not only get stronger in your practice but also in other parts of your life where you might have given up.
Change only happens when you step outside your comfort zone. And... Oh boy, did I do that in this challenge!

It was -and still is- a path to self realization and couldn't be more thrilled and excited for the results is has brought me.

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