I am taking a new challenge upon myself!
I know, I know; I just completed the 30-day Bikram challenge last month, but I want more....!
So what is this new challenge?
'Bikram 101' is the answer. 101 consecutive days practicing Bikram yoga.
** Almost a third of a year -- 9090 minutes of bikram yoga **
I came up with this in my Monday class. I had a 100 day challenge in mind but the next day when I told a fellow yogi about this idea I found out it seems to already excist.
Google 'Bikram 101' and it has many many many results!
There are different "challenge lengths" in Bikram yoga. Here is a break out of how each one helps and heals your body:
* 30-Days: A readjustment period... You're getting your body primed for an on-going practice. Just getting through a 30 consecutive day challenge is a difficult for most people. Bikram will become a habit.
~Ticked that box (twice!)
* 60-Days: In the 60-day challenge, the second 30 days are where you get to the "emotional stuff." While you experience the mental exhaustion "here and there" in the first set of 30 days, you experience it far more frequently in the second set. Anger. Tears. Hysterical laughter. It all comes out here... Both in and out of class.
* 90-Days: This is when your body suddenly (or so people claim) changes shape. You will notice in the 30 and 60-day challenges that muscles and body parts tighten up. But the third set of 30 is when you start to see the yoga practice pay off physically in your body. You've been feeling it up until this point... But now you can actually see it. You can see your "yoga bum" starting to take shape.
~Bring it on :-)
* 100-Days: Ten extra days, just to make things a nice big number...
* 101-Days: Because you just have to show up for one extra day.
I will start June 1, as a happy birthday gift to myself.
I'll journal my progress throughout this challenge.
I am a nike girl, 'I can do it'! At least, I hope I can do it... EEK.....!
OMG???? So proud of you... and so jealous of the fact that you have this discipline.. Good job Nike girl!