Tuesday, August 31, 2010

So close

So close I can taste it…

I feel; tired, happy, good, emotional, proud, strong, evolved, alive, excited, confident, free, absorbed, eager, inspired, aching, tortured, encouraged, serene and challenged.

Frequently asked questions:
- Will you continue every day yoga after the challenge?

No! It’s a 101-day challenge, not a lifelong challenge. I will however continue practice for an average of 4 - 5 times a week.

- Do you still like yoga?

Yes, I do. No hesitation. I love the many benefits; physically, emotionally & mentally. I love my life with Bikram yoga in it.

I want to finish strong, and so, to finish off my 101-day challenge I will push for double classes and eat extremely healthy.

My practice is going well. I feel comfortable pushing my body to new limits. I trust upon advice and feedback that I receive because after nearly 2 years of practicing Bikram yoga there is still much to learn and so many improvements to make.

My studio has 2 advanced classes each week for teachers and I have been invited to the advanced class this week. EEK…… I am a bit nervous, feel honored and am also greatly excited about this. Stay tuned…!

Gosh… next week I am done, -NEXT WEEK!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


10 days before I complete the 101-day challenge… BRING ON NEXT WEEK!
-Unfortunately this is all I had time for today, I’ll blog again tomorrow…!-

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Sunday morning.
I feel tired an have given myself permission (as advised by my 'guru') to take it easy in class today.
I struggle but maintain during the standing series.
Halfway during the floor series a little voice pops up. It's me; 3-years old and the voice says "i...don't wanna...anymore...I can't....do...this.." and just about when a tear nearly rolled out of my right eye another voice appeared. "Don't be ridiculous, the hard part is done, only 17 classes left in your 101-day challenge. -Besides, in approximately 15 minutes you'll be walking home with a delish skinny latte and are able to relax the rest of your Sunday".

It helped; I stopped feeling sorry for myself and stopped negotiating the remains of the hard psychical labor.
I was able to stay strong, enjoy Sydney's best latte and am now enjoying a picture perfect day in the park with sunshine, cookies and my iPad :-)

Truth be told though, this is where the challenge gets tough.
I know there is not long to go, but I am getting small injuries and I am absolutely exhausted.
I sleep well; I sleep enough but it seems that in my sleep my body is working so hard to recover that it doesn't really rest which makes me tired ALL the time.

The final week will be extra tough as I will put myself through a detox.
No alcohol, no meat, no caffeine, no snacks. My nutrition will be beneficial only to my body, so lot's of fruit, veggies, fiber, fish.
Unprocessed, natural; healthy.
I might keep like a little diary to post as blog....?
I'll probably have myself a weeks long pity party but I am sure I'll feel amazing at the finish!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Exactly 3 weeks left in my 101-day challenge and I am slowly falling apart…
I look like crap, have mood swings and I am tired.

The ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ is September 9.
I have a massage booked, getting my nails done, die my hair, get my tattoo, go out on a fancy dinner to celebrate and rest & recover!

Now, I just need to stay focused and not get caught up in the swirl of emotions and exhaustion. I take it day by day; do my best in each class.

Yesterday I had the hottest class ever. My skin felt like it was on fire, bread that I ate earlier that day started to rise again in my stomach and sprinkle salt on me and call me popcorn but this must be what hell feels like.

3 more weeks, 3 more weeks, 3 more weeks…..!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Sharing is caring...?

My yogi friend was telling me about a blog where the author (AKA yogi) saw a fellow yogi bring her partner to Bikram yoga. She described how this yogi really wanted to show the poor guy how it was done, when to do what which way and by the end she told him that he did 'okay' but there was lots of practice needed.
He was silent –not pleased.

It got me thinking......
......After my discovery and many many many many many hours of talking about it my husband wanted to give it a try.

“Neh, I said, that’s not for you; you would not like it”.

But apparently due to my many many many many many hours of talking about it, he was keen to give it a try anyway.

And so he did.

I wonder now; how did I look and sound.....?
.....I can only hope I wasn’t all like, well… you know… female and stuff and basically I did not want to have been the topic of someone's blog and I aim to be a nice wife.

But wait…. Oh, My….

I remember that all throughout class I kept my eye on him and I even gave him some pointers after class (to help him.. of course…)
He went back though (on his own initiative if I may ad). But I noticed though that he stood far far away that 2nd time in the hot room to probably not get anymore feedback.

These days he comes along no more than twice a year which I think is best.
His presence is not helping my practice and it’s also not progressing our marriage. People never look good during a Bikram yoga class; folded in random positions, weird/ strained faces and sweating, A LOT of sweating.
I refuse to believe that you can ever feel attracted to anyone in the hot room.

Bikram yoga is my thing; the thing where I need no one and I love it.

Monday, August 9, 2010


Only 30 days left in my challenge!

Can’t believe I have completed 71 days already. This challenge turned out (so far that is) to be easier than expected. It’s a lifestyle, a habit that is without question a part of my everyday life now.

“Yoga is a journey, not a destination.”
And in this journey I do alter between feeling absolute yoga bliss and yoga feeling dreadful,-daunting even. Yoga felt beautiful last week but it has not felt good this week. There is no bliss, -just getting through class.
But I keep going back. I can’t imagine the last time in my life I kept going back to something that felt dreadful –daunting.
Twisted, right?
But I know that someday –hopefully tonight- I’ll get my bliss back and will be head over heels in love again.

While still in the midst of this challenge, still absolutely sold on Bikram yoga and the anatomical, neurological, physiological and psychological effects it has on the human body, I am starting to fantasise about my life after this 101-day challenge. All that time off… what to do when I get my life back?
EASY! -More Bikram yoga; 4 a 5 days a week and I am keen to start running again. Besides the yoga and running I’ll be sure to enjoy spring and summer ;-) BRING ON SEPTEMBER!

September 9 will be the last day of my challenge.
September 10 I’ll get my tattoo which will forbid me from doing bikram yoga for approx 2 weeks…. EEK!
My spine will not be happy and neither will my skinny jeans….

A confession is needed though; here it goes.........
-I cheated on Bikram yoga with Power yoga.
I was curious to find out the difference. Power yoga being ‘warm yoga’ sounded quite similar; however, it wasn’t similar at all in my opinion.
It was interesting to try it one time and while I enjoyed the potential gain of arms and abdominal muscles, it was the standing on my head, loud breathing, lack of mirrors, precision in alignment (-vs. benefits) and the humming meditation that is just not for me.

Last Saturday I attended Rajashree’s seminar. -Rajashree is Bikram’s wife-. She is gorgeous, graceful and full of knowledge! I can honestly say that this was the 1st seminar/ workshop ever attended that I liked, or do I dare to say it; LOVED! Captured by her presence and excited about the day we enjoyed so much, me and my yogi friend even climbed on stage to ask for a photo....!

Rumour is that Bikram himself is coming to Sydney next year…. *excitement*!

Monday, August 2, 2010

My resume.

Age 29, a (typical) Gemini, Dutch, living in gorgeous Sydney.

Fulltime wife; yogini and commercial manager.

Moving to Sydney - 2008- changed her in so many ways (personality, desires, hopes & dreams, taste, look & feel) and she’s grateful for it.

She’s a dreamer of life.

Loves to try new (exciting) things.

Doesn’t want to have kids although she would love to see Steve be a dad. Enjoys being an auntie though!

Wishes she could speak Spanish and be a writer.

Very very bad memory...

Passionate about Bikram yoga

It takes a while before she discloses ‘the real her' to people.

Terrified of getting old, losing those close to her and never being happy.


Has a chronic condition which sometimes makes her sad and fear the future.

Likes to flirt ;-)

Loves to laugh.

Her peaceful place is the beach.

A clear blue sky can put her frown up site down.

Believes in karma.

Enjoys new followers and comments @ her blog ;-)

She is determined, pushes herself.

Loves to dance - home alone; while walking with my iPod (have to restrain myself); quietly at work (corner desk); absolutely when going out.

Doesn’t waste energy or time on insignificant things, can be lazy.

Wishes she was less organized/ structured/ controlling.

Adores summer and dislikes winter.

Loves food & wine.

Doesn’t give up easily.

Impulsive and curious.

Likes being an educator.

Believes that happy girls are the prettiest girls.

Talks only to chosen few on the phone, preferring text or email for communication.

Changes into sweats or comfy clothing immediately upon returning home.

Sometimes on top of the world, sometimes worried and in search for more; usually somewhere in the middle.

Loves to go to bed early, occasionally sleep talker/ sleep walker.

Believes that tomorrow is another day.

Wishes she could travel more.

Likes to be surprised.

Excited to find out what the future holds for her although she’s aware that everyone creates their own future.