Monday, August 2, 2010

My resume.

Age 29, a (typical) Gemini, Dutch, living in gorgeous Sydney.

Fulltime wife; yogini and commercial manager.

Moving to Sydney - 2008- changed her in so many ways (personality, desires, hopes & dreams, taste, look & feel) and she’s grateful for it.

She’s a dreamer of life.

Loves to try new (exciting) things.

Doesn’t want to have kids although she would love to see Steve be a dad. Enjoys being an auntie though!

Wishes she could speak Spanish and be a writer.

Very very bad memory...

Passionate about Bikram yoga

It takes a while before she discloses ‘the real her' to people.

Terrified of getting old, losing those close to her and never being happy.


Has a chronic condition which sometimes makes her sad and fear the future.

Likes to flirt ;-)

Loves to laugh.

Her peaceful place is the beach.

A clear blue sky can put her frown up site down.

Believes in karma.

Enjoys new followers and comments @ her blog ;-)

She is determined, pushes herself.

Loves to dance - home alone; while walking with my iPod (have to restrain myself); quietly at work (corner desk); absolutely when going out.

Doesn’t waste energy or time on insignificant things, can be lazy.

Wishes she was less organized/ structured/ controlling.

Adores summer and dislikes winter.

Loves food & wine.

Doesn’t give up easily.

Impulsive and curious.

Likes being an educator.

Believes that happy girls are the prettiest girls.

Talks only to chosen few on the phone, preferring text or email for communication.

Changes into sweats or comfy clothing immediately upon returning home.

Sometimes on top of the world, sometimes worried and in search for more; usually somewhere in the middle.

Loves to go to bed early, occasionally sleep talker/ sleep walker.

Believes that tomorrow is another day.

Wishes she could travel more.

Likes to be surprised.

Excited to find out what the future holds for her although she’s aware that everyone creates their own future.


  1. Sounds like the perfect person :-)

    Great blog babe

  2. I would enjoy seeing my brother be a dad and me becoming an aunt :-)
