Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Hot Damn!

Yesterday I’ve done a double class and I am now back on track in my 101-day challenge! Great teachers, hot - humid classes and full commitment.

It felt great doing the double and with this euphoric feeling of pride and fulfilment it even crossed my mind to make this a standard on Tuesdays.
BUT… then throughout last night my body started to ache… Yes…I am incredibly sore…and trying to avoid too much movement today (until my Bikram class later today that is). Could someone fill up my water bottles today… -Jennie..?

Now that I’ve passed the 1st month I am curious to the effects this challenge will bring me. Yesterday it felt like I was on drugs (which….. really I am not). During my nearly 4 hours in the hot room I found a whole lot of not too funny stuff really funny and it made me laugh –a lot..! I believe it’s because I feel happy; great and exciting things are heading my way…! > More on this later ;-)

This week’s thank-you-note:
“Dear photo of me folded in a yoga posture captured in someone’s iphone: Thank you for being fun to look at. This ‘delightful mid-night graphic’ reminds of a fun night with a few too many drinks than ever allowed in a yoga studio as I don’t recall any photo’s where taken….”


  1. You can never count on Jennie to be your slave.. she's far too busy sipping lattes and googling.

  2. I can fill your water bottles at home :-)

  3. I may have taken this photo on Sat night after a couple of glasses of wine - you held this pose really well! :)
