Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tough week....

My mantra: How come it’s only Monday, how come it’s only still Tuesday..? I need July to be over already…….. Heck I need August to be over already. Wish it was spring already. Get me near the end of the challenge, give me my life back and ‘ouch’ I am sore. How come every day yoga isn’t making me skinny? My hands look ugly and I have got ‘Bikram Stigmata’ on my knees.
And then that yoga truck. That's the truck that hits you...then just when you think you are gonna get up and recover, you hear the "beep, beep, beep...' as it backs up and runs you over again.

But then.......out of the blue something hilarious happens (which I think can only ever be funny when exhaustion strikes and you are on the so-called ‘Bikram rollercoaster’) and I laughed harder since...well…a long time -during class! It was the unstoppable laugh; the one that’s too loud, embarrassing, hard to stop and makes your face bright red and has tears running down your face.

Anyways, back to my mantra. It’s only Wednesday today…? I need July to be over already…….. Heck I need August to be over already. Get me near the end of the challenge, give me my life back and ‘ouch’ I am sore…….


  1. Hi Fiona, I completely hear you about the rough week. It's been a crazy roller coaster ride for me. I'm glad to have found your blog!
    The week will be over soon! Promise!

  2. yeah let august be over 2,then i know when i got my holiday.....

  3. Hoeveel van de 101 zit je inmiddels?
