Monday, June 21, 2010

In sickness and in health

Fever, headache, body aches, sore throat, runny nose...... Yes I've got the flu......
With the flu in early stages Bikram was my medicine. I felt amazing during the daily 90-minutes in the hot room and for a couple of hours after class.
Yesterday I wasn't this fortunate. Lacking sleep and feeling my absolute worst I went to a 10am class hoping that this class would make me feel better. It didn't, it nearly killed me instead....
I sat down, feeling miserable, for the entire class with a few minor attempts to get up and try a posture without passing out. Thankfully it was a 43-degree class which made me feel incredibly sweaty and almost like I actually had a great workout ;-)
I felt bad for my 'neighbor' yogi's since I must have given off such bad energy. - A special note of apology to my Polish yogi friend.... Maybe you will excuse me if I advertise your fabulous blog: -

Today; a brand new day; I still feel like crap but my class went quite alright.
I am 3 weeks in my 101-day challenge. My body is getting a little tired but I am sure it will regain strength soon. Would help if this freakin' flu would f#%,k off already. "Echinacea, why won't you make me feel better...?"
Overall State of Play: I enjoy my new daily routine ;-) I am ready for more!

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