Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The pursuit of happiness

"Happiness is like a butterfly; the more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder..."

I have so much to be happy and grateful for and yet I am always searching for more.
This doesn't make me unhappy and yet always in search for happiness.

For a moment, just a little while, I'd like to stand still and appreciate the beauty of all I have. Some how it seems like an impossible task cause all that I have never seems enough.

Is this just me, is it build in my character or is this a human normality?
Normal being natural or normal being what might be meant by the claim that a person has become.
The pursuit of happiness; isn't this want anyone wants?
Even if you don't want to increase your happiness you probably want to maintain what happiness you already have.
Bikram teaches us to look forward, 'there is nothing for you on the floor'.

There are little goals in my life, such as my Bikram 101 challenge.
Medium goals such as starting a new life in Australia and getting my permanent residency (almost there.....!)
I also have life altering goals such as finding my purpose in life; finding what I would love to do and be proud of. This last one is the one I am struggling with. I wish I knew what would combine my passion, skills and fits in my bigger picture. Tips anyone....?


  1. interesting topic.. i love the quote too.
    maybe your own studio one day?

  2. En heb je iets aan het gelukboek?? Inspiratie voor je blog?

  3. Love the quote; very powerfull and basically says it all: there aint no pursuit of happiness! I think having that realization would be a great startingpoint of finding that thing that you would love to do - and hopefully it's indeed just "contributing beyond ourselves" - simply put but very hard to find...let me know when you find your 'bigger picture' and I'll let you know when I stumble upon mine :-)
