Monday, April 12, 2010

Halfway (in classes)

I have completed my 15th class this evening!
Officially I am halfway in amount of classes to do, but I still aim to top of the challenge with a few extra classes.
Thursday I am officially halfway within the 30-days of the challenge!

Being halfway I can proudly say that -as promised to myself- I have had no alcohol, nicotine, fatty foods, meat and caffeine for the last 14 days.
Withholding on yummy food is tough... take for example the chocolate Easter eggs in my fridge, I swear they call out my name at night... Sigh...
But not having alcohol, meat, nicotine and caffeine is surprisingly easy. It sure does make me feel mighty great!

As for my practice over the last few days:
I have not been back in the front row. I get annoyed when people who are really not too good position themselves in the front row and I have to admit that I am really not 'front row good enough'(yet...!).
2nd row it is for me. I still have 2.5 weeks to become a yogi superstar (EEK...)

The weekend classes where awesome. Each class I was able to go to a new level within a couple of different poses. Such good improvement and I felt both strong and proud.

Today was a whole different story..... Worst class this month. My body decided to surprise me with exhaustion and a major lock-down. My body and muscles where tired and not at all stretching and bending into the postures.
Weird really, because leading up to the class I felt energized and ready to rock my 'halfway -15th-' class.
Oh well, tomorrow another day - another class...!

1 comment:

  1. Another nice blog

    Next time you will be front row again :)
