Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Since I have started Bikram I have been thinking about maybe... just maybe... getting a tattoo.
I have never been too keen for tattoo's and certainly have never wanted to get one myself.

My Bikram teacher sure does have 2 gorgeous tattoo's and I have started noticing other pretty ones as well. I am very aware that I can't copy her tattoo, -I don't think she would love that idea so either I have to quit Bikram (at my studio at least) or wear more clothing to cover it up...!
Not sure still if I should go for it though. Reason being is that I know that I am very impulsive and I change my mind so often. I can totally love something today and hate it next week.

So the question is 'to tattoo or not to tattoo'?

I know kind of what I want and where I want it (middle/ lower back or the left/ right side of my waistline) and have been thinking about this for the last 3 - 6 months or so. And don't worry my friends, I won't get like a dolphin or heart tattoo inked for life on my upper arm (or anything remotely like that).

1 comment:

  1. Fiona, is it me or do lots of bikram yogis have tattoos? It seems they're everywhere I look in class and yet I didn't think tattoos were that widespread in the general population.
    If you want to get one, just a word of caution - I remember a girl at school came back from Canada with a giant lion tattoo on her back and it was so ugly she spent the next 2 years getting rid of it. Very $$$!
